Photographer André Matthijssens in the right person for all your photoshoots.
A shoot can be organised on location (in your company, offices or even on an event venue).
Also are we equipped to create a mobile and professional studio on location.
Our Key words are quality, flexibility and efficiency.
In the past millennium, when photography was more a craft than a technology, the magic of photography was most evident in the darkroom, where sepia smelt like a chemistry lesson.
André Matthijssens a seasoned campaigner, with bucketloads of Belgian and foreign assignments and thousands of reports was among the first to climb on board the digital express. By keeping a step ahead of developments, we offer you the latest in material and techniques.
His passion, architecture, brought André to Paris, New York, Dubai, Barcelona ... but also nearer to home he focussed his objectives to "good looking" constructions with ao spectacular images of Antwerp, Knokke and most recently his hometown of Aarschot.
His commitment to photography got him the cultural award of the city of Aarschot for his projects in Barcelona and Dubai.